
“Affordable Navigation Alternative: Tern AI’s Solution for Decreasing GPS Dependency”

“We’ve got an increased threat from foreign adversaries who have shown capabilities to jam, to destroy, to spoof the signals of GPS, which is scary,” Shaun Moore, CEO and co-founder of Tern AI, a startup that wants to provide an alternative to GPS, told TechCrunch. The current system works by having GPS receivers in cars or phones pick up signals from satellites orbiting the earth. The GPS receivers then use the time it took for each signal to travel to calculate the distance to each satellite. “GPS technology has not meaningfully changed in 50 years, and what we’re seeing put forth as solutions to resolve or mitigate risk are just marginal improvements. “When we first met Tern AI, what stood out the most was how differentiated and scalable their approach was to solving a critical problem in national security,” said Stephen DiBartolomeo, principal at Scout Ventures.

Utilizing AI: Taloflow streamlines software vendor selection for cost and time efficiency

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Every company, large or small, needs to choose software, and the bigger the company, the more complex the exercise. Some have internal tools and processes to help narrow down the list of possible vendors and eventually make a selection. “Taloflow replaces homegrown technology and software selection processes that can last weeks or months,” the startup’s CEO and co-founder, Louis-Victor Jadavji, told TechCrunch. “Unlike Gartner or G2, which offer mostly generic insights, Taloflow creates tailored reports for specific use cases,” he said. Taloflow has built large language models that sift through publicly available information and speed up the time and cost of generating the base reports.

“Streamlined Avatar and 3D Model Creation: Roblox’s Revolutionary AI Upgrades”

Roblox is introducing two new AI technologies to reduce the time it takes to create avatars and 3D models, the company announced on Monday. Once a creator select the new feature, Roblox will run a number of tests over an asset and automatically rig, cage, segment and skin 3D models. The second feature is called “Texture Generator,” and enables creators to quickly change the look of 3D objects using plain language text prompts. For example, you can enter a text prompt to create texture for a 3D wooden treasure chest. With Texture Generator, Roblox is enabling creators to do the same thing within 15 to 30 seconds.

India’s Reduction of Import Tariffs on Electric Vehicles Position Tesla for Successful Expansion

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India will lower import taxes on certain electric vehicles for companies committing to invest at least $500 million and setting up a local manufacturing facility within three years, a move that could potentially bolster Tesla’s plans to enter the South Asian market. Firms meeting these requirements will be allowed to import 8,000 EVs a year at a reduced import duty of 15% on cars costing $35,000 and above. India currently levies a tax of 70% to 100% on imported cars depending on their value. The decision could pave the way for Tesla to enter India, as the Elon Musk-led company has been in talks with the government to lower import duties on its electric cars for years. The move also aligns with India’s goal to boost the adoption of EVs and reduce its dependence on oil imports, with the country setting a target of achieving 30% electric vehicle sales by 2030.

Cutting Costs and Controversy: How a Swedish Startup Aims to Revolutionize Stem Cell Production

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However, harvesting stem cells is a controversial process, since a major method involves harvesting during pregnancy. To date, most stem cells are harvested from adult stem cells or post-termination foetal tissue. Cellcolabs will specialize in Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are scarce and expensive. In an interview with TechCrunch, Bernow said, “The promise of stem cells or what it holds, is really mind boggling. “We’ve built this facility, which we believe is one of the world’s largest facilities, solely dedicated for production of this kind of stem cell.

“Unlocking Business Success: Enhancing Customer Loyalty through Retention Experiments and Explainable AI with Subsets”

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Six months on from its launch, Subsets has already claimed some decent customers including the New York Times’-owned Athletic and Danish newspaper Børsen. The media businessWhile Subsets could be applied to any subscription business, it’s currently focused on the digital media vertical. Subsets allows non-technical teams to run retention “experiments” on subsets (hence the company name) of their subscriber base, to see what actions might lead a customer to staying on-board. These experiments might be a series of push notifications or email offering a subscription discount, or perhaps a free upgrade to unlock new features. Aside from lead backers Upfin and YC, Subsets’ pre-seed round included investments from a slew of institutional and angel investors including Cuesta Labs; Sandhill Markets; and Peakon founder Phillip Chambers.

“Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions: Varaha’s Aid in Alleviating Climate-Damaging Techniques Among Indian Farmers”

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However, awareness of the monetary and environmental benefits associated with carbon credits is low. It was early, as no methodologies were available at the time to create carbon credits from agriculture. However, the 34-year-old entrepreneur decided to start his venture once the methodologies started appearing in developed markets, including the U.S. and Europe. Unlike nature-based credits, carbon credits from renewable energy projects are easy to measure and record and do not involve co-benefits to nature. That said, the rigorous oversight helps bring high-quality carbon credits that can be sold globally.

Apple’s Reluctant Adherence to Regulations Will Erode Trust with Politicians and Developers

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Apple does not enjoy this, which should surprise exactly no one. Somehow, despite that, society remains intact and people are mostly ok with using those platforms with reasonable success. What isn’t so understandable is just how petulant the company is being about prying open fingers on its tightly closed fist when it comes to compliance here. At best, it seems short-sighted: Yes, doing so will mean Apple’s revenue picture doesn’t materially change in the near-term. And developers are increasingly irate at Apple’s antics.

“Limiting Teen Screen Time: Instagram’s Latest Feature Promotes Rest with ‘Nighttime Nudges'”

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Instagram is introducing new nighttime nudges for teen accounts to limit their time on the app, the company announced on Thursday. The new nighttime nudges will appear when teens have spent more than 10 minutes on Instagram in places like Reels or DMs late at night. The notice will remind teens that it’s late and encourage them to close the app and go to sleep. The nighttime nudges will be shown automatically and can’t be turned off, which means teens can’t opt in or out of seeing them. The new nighttime nudges join Instagram’s other features aimed at reducing teens’ time on its app.

“Valuable Valley Investors Take Aim at Unconventional Target: Reducing Methane Emissions from Cow Burps”

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In the fight against Methane, a key GHG, Valley investors have hit upon an unusual target: Cow burpsWhat do iconic Valley investors Zachary Bogue and Chris Sacca have in common? And one of the bigger issues at the most recent COP meeting was a pledge to reduce methane emissions, which are growing rapidly. And a major UN report said “urgent steps” are necessary to reduce methane if global warming is to be kept within a manageable limit. Mootral says its current Ruminant supplement can reduce methane emissions from dairy cows by up to 38 percent on commercial farms. CH4 Global — which is backed by the aforementiioned Zachary Bogue of DCVC — employs seaweed in cow feed to reduce their methane emissions.