
Will a striking design differentiate rabbit’s r1 pocket AI from a multitude of virtual assistants?

Rabbit R1 Top
In a sea of AI-enabled gadgets at CES, the rabbit r1 (all lowercase, they insist) stands out not just for its high-vis paint job and unique form factor, but because of its dedication to the bit. “The phone is an entertainment device, but if you’re trying to get something done it’s not the highest efficiency machine. After all, that’s what our so-called “AI assistants” have supposedly been doing for the last five or six years. Even so, even if the rabbit r1 is better or cuter, people prefer simplicity and convenience. Why would they pay money to carry a second device when their first one does most of those tasks?

Surprising Success: The Truth About Startup Performance

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In the face of recent economic downturns and fears of a startup bubble-burst, it may be surprising to hear that startups are faring better than you might think. I’ve been talking to a bunch of founders who are struggling to raise funding — and that is a real problem — but there are some startups that focus on the business fundamentals that are still thriving. Looking at the numbers, this presents as an uptick in median runway length, a decrease in operating expenses, and an encouraging rise in profitable revenue. This is founders focusing on being more efficient,” Healy Jones, VP of financial strategy at Kruze Consulting, told me. It now stands at an impressive 12.5 months, significantly higher than the nine to 10 months usually expected after an average funding round.