
Google’s Deepmind AI learns to be your ultimate video game ally

Sima Instructions
AI models that play games go back decades, but they generally specialize in one game and always play to win. From this data — and the annotations provided by data labelers — the model learns to associate certain visual representations of actions, objects, and interactions. AI agents trained on multiple games performed better on games they hadn’t been exposed to. But of course many games involve specific and unique mechanics or terms that will stymie the best-prepared AI. And simple improvised actions or interactions are also being simulated and tracked by AI in some really interesting research into agents.

New Room-Temperature Claims Receive Overwhelming Criticism

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Just when you thought the hype about room-temperature superconductors was over, it’s not. Room-temperature superconductors, if one is ever found and independently confirmed, could revolutionize everything from electricity transmission to computing, electric vehicles, MRI machines, maglev trains and more. Lately, claims of room-temperature superconductivity seem to be blooming like flowers after a rainstorm. In the last year alone, three high-profile cases were either debunked, retracted or seriously doubted. Researchers who TechCrunch+ spoke with were skeptical that this new material is a room-temperature superconductor.

How Guac, Powered by Y Combinator, Uses Machine Learning to Forecast Grocery Sales

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Poor grocery demand forecasting is responsible for more waste than you might expect. It’s not only bad for the environment — food waste is a major source of carbon emissions — but costly for grocers. Per Retail Insights, food and grocery retailers lose up to 8% of revenues through inadequate inventory availability. “Food waste and food security are issues that Jack and I care deeply about, and we were really excited about an opportunity to actually address food waste at its core,” Wang said. But Wang says that Guac is differentiated both by its dedication to transparency and its intense fine-tuning of forecasting models.

“Preparing for a Greener Future: Developing the Workforce for Clean Energy”

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Innovation in clean tech and renewable energy is moving fast — maybe a bit too fast. The clean tech industry is expected to create 8 million jobs by the end of 2030, according to a recent report by the International Energy Agency. These numbers are apparently based on current policies, and if more resources go toward the clean energy transition, the report’s authors expect the number to rise, too. The startup hires and trains folks to install and maintain sustainable heat pumps. It trains people new to the trades, provides upskilling training to those who have some experience, and has its workers install and maintain equipment for other companies.