
“Enhanced Features: Lists, Block Quotes, and Inline Code Now Supported on WhatsApp”

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WhatsApp said today it is rolling out a number of new formatting options on the app, including bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code. Numbered lists: You can create a numbered list by typing a digit followed by a period and a space. “ Block quotes: To insert block quotes to highlight certain text by typing “>” and then a space. WhatsApp already has basic text formatting options such as Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, and Monospace. It is possible that these formatting options would also help the AI-powered bots to show responses neatly.

“Transform Your iPhone into a Vintage BlackBerry with a Simple $139 Investment from This Innovative Startup”

3. Clicks Bumblebee And London Sky Large
Clicks Technology is today unveiling the Clicks creator keyboard for the iPhone. The thing is, we haven’t abandoned physical buttons. By moving the keyboard off the display when typing, Clicks almost doubles the available screen. And for those who really miss the good old days of typing on a physical keyboard, the Clicks creator keyboard offers real keys. iPhone users can now use shortcuts like CMD + H to navigate to the home screen, or CMD + Space to launch Search.