Alphabet Mass Layoffs Disrupt Googles Area 120 Incubator

Area 120, the Google incubator responsible for products such as Checks, Tables, Stack and ThreadBite has been significantly affected by broader layoffs at Google parent company Alphabet. Area 120’s three projects that graduated later this year into core Google product areas are said to only be a fraction of the team that was employed there previously. Area 120 is one of several divisions within Alphabet that have been impacted by wider layoffs in recent weeks, with reports suggesting 800 jobs have been cut worldwide across the company.

Area 120’s closure likely signifies the end of its experimental phase and the consolidation of itsprojects into more marketable ventures. Among those shuttered are workplace video platform ThreadIt, spectrum marketplace Orion, document scanner Stack, and more. With Area 120 gone, these projects will now have to find new homes or be abandoned altogether.

Area 120 has been hard hit by layoffs, with employees in the U.S. being notified first. In other countries, however, the process of informing employees may take longer due to local laws and practices. The managing partner of Area 120 remains at the company following these layoffs, but affected employees will certainly feel the impact in their careers and livelihoods

Area 120 has been a key part of Google’s experimentation department, and has focused largely on creating apps and services that could be folded into its core businesses. The division has successfully launched products such as the HTML5 gaming platform GameSnacks, AI-powered conversational ads platform AdLingo, and video platforms Tangi and Shoploop. With several hits under its belt, Area 120 is poised to continue expanding its reach in the near future.

The closure of Area 120 is a significant loss for Google’s augmented reality and virtual reality efforts, as the group was responsible for some of the company’s most innovative projects to date. However, with continued investment from other divisions within Google and outside partners, AR and VR will likely continue to grow in popularity.

Area 120 is a highly secretive Google area within the company which has been home to many of the company’s most innovative products. After numerous rounds of layoffs, the number of employees in Area 120 has reportedly dropped under 100. This suggests that Google’s innovation efforts are continuing at a much lower level than in previous years.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

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