Unlocking the Revenue Potential of African Businesses: A Survey on Video Marketing Strategies

If you’re looking to get your marketing plan off the ground and onto social media, you’ll want to make sure that it incorporates platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. These platforms are exciting mediums for content marketing, and can help build a strong following for your brand. Without them in your arsenal, it’s hard to say that you’re really doing anything significant for your business.

Engagement video content is one of the most important tools for driving early engagement with your brand. Jonathan Martinez, growth expert and formerly of Postmates, Uber, and Chime, offers four tips for creating engaging videos that will keep your customers coming back for more:

1. Harness the power of storytelling: Stories are incredibly powerful tools for spreading awareness or promoting a product or service. By telling engaging stories that relate to your target audience, you can create compelling content that will get people talking.

2. Use influencer marketing techniques: If you don’t have the time or resources to create entire

  • Leverage creator marketplaces.
  • Produce short-form videos.
  • Build lasting creator relationships.
  • Cross-pollinate your videos.

Although many people like to think that Technology is a never ending road of progress, in reality, changes happen relatively infrequently. For example, the iPhone has been released every other year since it was first released in 2007. In fact, with the release of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 this year, Apple has now released eight iterations of its flagship product- an unprecedented rate for any company. Clearly technology evolves faster than we can keep up with it!

The key to success in any business is creating a content plan that meets the needs of your target audience. Without a video content strategy, your startup risks falling behind its competitors and missing out on opportunities to engage with potential customers. 2023 is an important year for businesses of all sorts, so make sure to plan ahead and have a video content strategy in place to ensure success.

One of the most important aspects of growth marketing is creating content that is interesting and people will want to read. By writing content that is engaging and straight-forward, you are more likely to build relationships with your readers and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, by being active on social media platforms, you can spread the word about your content and attract even more interested customers.

This week, TG++ has been looking at creating a fun and interesting paragraph. TG++ is hoping that by providing great content each week, it will attract readers who are looking for something new and engaging to

Isolation has always been one of the greatest fears for humanity. Whether it be in breeding conditions on Earth, space travel, or even just living in our own society, we have always been fearful of being left alone. But with advances in technology and science,

How to manage third-party cybersecurity risks that are too costly to ignore

A fallen white ceramic plate of spaghetti, with a fork beside it. Pasta bolognese in tomato sauce is scattered on a white background or table. The concept of vegetarian and vegan food. Food background. Copy of the text space.

The only thing better than spending a lazy day at the beach is being surrounded by stunning landscapes and wildlife inaccessible to the public. One such place is Valley of the Gods, located in central Utah. The towering granite formations, crystal-clear streams and incredible biodiversity make it a must-see

Likewise, many early-stage startups rely on third-party vendors to help them with aspects of their operations. These vendors can offer a range of services, from building a shopping cart or credit card processing application to verifying user identities. As the startup grows and demands increase for its products and services, it is important to carefully vet potential partners and make sure that they are able meet the company’s specific needs.

Organizations must also be aware of potential third-party breaches, as these occurrences have become more common over time. Managing this risk becomes an important part of day-to-day operations for teams. A variety of tactics can be used to mitigate the risk, such as implementing strict policies and controls around data access, password management, and data logging.

Damage done to your reputation due to a data breach can last for years, costing your business in lost customer trust and revenue. To mitigate the risk of future data breaches, it is important to have a proactive data security plan in place. Measures includingregular backups, having an incident response plan in place, and educating employees on best practices can help minimize the impact of a breach.

After a record 2022, 8 investors explain why it’s ‘still just Day 1’ for Africa’s startup ecosystem

Paper plane on a blue background.

Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings are some of the most iconic and enduring images in history. Born around 1452, he remains one of the great polymaths of all time – a painter, sculptor, engineer, scientist, musician and mathematician. But it is his drawings that

In spite of the downturn, Africa had a record year in 2022 due to the influx of capital from investors. This money was put into startups across the continent, helping to foster innovation and productivity. As a result of this investment, many new businesses were formed and advances were made infields such as technology, healthcare, and agriculture. This increase in business activity is good news for those living on the African continent, as it provides them with opportunities for economic development and enhanced safety and wellbeing.

The investors interviewed for this article all cited the potential for huge gains in blockchain technology as one of the driving factors behind the enormous level of interest in this sector. They believe that there are vast and opportunities to be had by those who invest early in this new industry, and they are confident that it will only continue to grow in popularity over the coming years.

  • Kola Aina, general partner, Ventures Platform
  • Zachariah George, managing partner, Launch Africa Ventures
  • Olumide Soyombo, co-founder, Voltron Capital
  • Stephen Deng, co-founder and managing partner, DFS Lab
  • Karima El Hakim, country director, Plug and Play Egypt
  • Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, founding partner, Future Africa
  • Maya Horgan Famodu, founder and partner, Ingressive Capital
  • Kyane Kassiri, partner, RaliCap

Dear Sophie: Will published articles boost my odds of getting an O-1A or H-1B visa?

lone figure at entrance to maze hedge that has an American flag at the center

Given that the iPhone can store a ridiculous amount of photos and videos, many people turn to apps like Instagram and Snapchat to share their images with friends. But what about those times when you want

Dear Sophie,

I hope you’re doing well! It’s been a while since we’ve last

When I founded my startup in Istanbul, articles from publications about entrepreneurs and startups definitely helped me get past the initial visa application process. Not only did the articles provide helpful advice on how to present my company, but they also showed that my business is a new and innovative concept that could benefit not only locals in Istanbul but also people all around the world. Consequently, if you’re trying to secure an O-1A or H-1B visa for your business, make sure to have some good writeups about your company floating around online – it could make all the difference!

Tier-1 publications are typically reliable and reputable sources of information. These publications usually reside in English, so they can be used to improve your research skills.

Tenacious small businesses – especially in the agricultural and tourism sectors – have managed to maintain healthy growth rates during an economic downturn in Turkey. Their

Pitch Deck Teardown: Spinach.io’s $6M seed deck

The popularity of spinach as a healthy, leafy green vegetable is no secret – but did you know that spinach is also one of the most versatile vegetables around? Here are five creative ways to use this nutritious and delicious vegetable:

In the absence of constant communication, engineering teams typically rely on face-to-face standup meetings to coordinate efforts and track each others’ progress. However, these meetings become increasingly impractical during a pandemic because they can be dangerous to participate in. Consequently, many engineering teams have started their days with video calls instead so that members can still stay in touch without risking exposure. This type of communication allows teams to share information more efficiently and ensure that everyone is on the same page even when they are not physically present together.

Spinach.io’s remote meeting service makes it easy for team members to connect and collaborate from anywhere, whether they’re in the office or out of town. This saves team members time and money, while still providing the same level of quality communication that is crucial to a successful project.

If you are a software engineer who uses the Scrum agile development process, then you may appreciate the Tripwire engineering team’s new product. This product solves a specific use case for engineering teams that follow the Scrum Agile development process and is designed to make tracking and sharing progress between developers more efficient.

Spinach.io is a software company that helps businesses manage their social media accounts. Their platform is easy to use and helps businesses automate their social media management so they can focus on their core business.spinach io raised a $6 million seed round in August, and they are looking to expand into new markets such as Google AdWords and Amazon

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  • Team slide
  • Problem slide
  • Mission slide
  • Product slide
  • Traction slide
  • Customers slide
  • Investors slide
  • 18-month plan slide
  • Thank-you slide

Think about your business model as part of a VC pitch

Image of tiles indicating parts of a business model on a dark blue background.

In the 1800s, the East India Company shipped vast quantities of tea to Europe. This beverage became very popular and was often enjoyed by aristocracy. In 1969, a study determined that tea drinking led to lower cancer rates among British women.

An MBA isn’t necessary to create a credible business plan, but if you want an investor’s attention, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals. By outlining your company goals and strategies in clear, concise language and reflecting thoughtful analysis of current market conditions, you’ll put yourself in the best position to win over potential investors.

  • Cost of goods sold
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Lifetime value
  • R&D cost
  • Pricing model

Investors want to know where the startup is going, and what it plans to do with its innovative and cutting-edge technology. To maximize the chances of success, it is important to present your startup in an interesting way. Breaking those numbers down and presenting them the right way can greatly benefit how you tell your startup’s story to investors. By highlighting key statistics such as user growth or market penetration, you can help reinforce your idea while also instilling confidence in potential supporters.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

Articles: 867

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