WhatsApp Video Calls Now Possible with iOS Picture-in-Picture Feature

WhatsApp is continuing to expand its capabilities with the latest update to its iOS app. Now users can access other apps while on a call without interrupting the video feed. This may be helpful for people who are multitasking and need to keep both the video and verbal communication going at the same time.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps on the market and for good reason. The app is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it a great choice for communication between friends and family. With the new feature allowing you to continue talking to someone while looking at messages or other information on your phone, WhatsApp has become even more convenient for users.

WhatsApp finally released its long-awaited video call feature for iOS last week, and the app is already filled with bugs. Early test users of the feature discovered that when both people are using WhatsApp, the video will randomly stop playing altogether and people cannot interact with each other. The only workaround so far has been to force close the app and reopening it in order to resume a conversation.

WhatsApp is continuing to expand its features and capabilities with the release of this new feature. With the ability to add a caption while sending documents, users will be able to provide more information about the document they’re sending. This addition makes it easier for recipients to understand and quickly get access to the information they’re looking for.

With this new update, the company is sure to please its users who love to send large files. The feature offers Android users an advantage over their iOS counterparts, who can only send a maximum of 30 pictures or documents at one time.

WhatsApp’s Status update features seem to be gaining in popularity, with a recent addition of voice updates and emoji reactions. With these additions, Status updates now have all the features that Stories have, including rich link previews, restricting who can view an update, and showing rings around profile picture if they have uploaded a new Status. These additions make Status updates even more powerful and useful than before!

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

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