YCs Winter 2023 Demo Day: The Best Startups To Watch – Part 1

Comics software, meat-based plants and Tesla spun-out heat pumps, anyone?

This statistic underscores the importance of starting strong when applying to Y Combinator. Companies that have an innovative idea and no current product or business model are still able to gain admission into the accelerator program. This gives founders the opportunity to work with some of the most experienced entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, and receive valuable feedback on their idea.

What impresses me most about this panel of founders is that they are not only thinking holistically about the future of work, but also how to make their businesses more accessible and inclusive. For example, Stone & Smoke is working on a new food delivery service that provides healthier food options at lower costs to low-income communities. And Zenefits is implementing workplace policies aimed at promoting compassionate and environmentally friendly work environments. These companies are clearly thinking beyond the traditional business model, and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

One particularly interesting trend YC noticed this year was an increase in companies focused on developer operations, open source and artificial intelligence. Perhaps as a result of the growth of these industries, or simply because these are areas that are likely to see continual growth over time, YC saw an increase in women founders in this batch. This is great news for diversity and innovation in the tech industry, and it bodes well for future success stories.

Compared with the other startups on Demo Day, CreatedThink was one of the most interactive and engaging. Founder Sena Jovanovic displayed a palpable excitement for her product and took every opportunity to ask questions of the audience. Her team’s experience in constructing data-driven models shines through in their product, which promises to make working with data more efficient for everyone involved.

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Ava Patel

Ava Patel is a cultural critic and commentator with a focus on literature and the arts. She is known for her thought-provoking essays and reviews, and has a talent for bringing new and diverse voices to the forefront of the cultural conversation.

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