” “Enhancing Security: Google’s Latest Desktop Chrome Update Includes Proactive Safety Check”

Google is launching a few updates to Chrome on desktop this week that aim to make your browsing experience a bit safer and give you more control over your browser’s memory usage. The marquee feature for this update is proactive Safety Check. Starting with version 120, which actually launched a few weeks ago, desktop Chrome’s Safety Check on desktop will now run in the background and send out proactive alerts when it detects if a password in Chrome has been compromised or when an extension you’ve installed is malware. It’ll also remind you to update Chrome. Google is also highlighting two other updates to Chrome on desktop today.

Google is rolling out new updates to Chrome on desktop to enhance your browsing experience with increased security and control over memory usage.

The marquee feature for this update is proactive Safety Check. This will now run in the background and send out alerts when a compromised password or malware is detected. It will also remind you to update Chrome.

But the most significant update is the automatic revoking of site permissions that haven’t been used in a while. This is similar to how Google handles Android permissions and ensures unwanted sites don’t have access to your location or microphone.

Additionally, Chrome’s Safety Check will now prompt you to disable notifications from sites you don’t frequently visit, restoring sanity to your browsing experience.

Google is also highlighting two other updates to Chrome on desktop today:

  1. Memory Saver mode now features more information when hovering over a tab and a new setting to prevent certain sites from going to sleep.
  2. Tab groups can now be saved and synced across devices, allowing you to pick up where you left off.

These updates will be rolled out in the coming weeks, making Chrome an even more secure and user-friendly browsing option. Stay safe while surfing the web!

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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