“Enhance Your PC Experience with Microsoft’s New Copilot Key”

Microsoft would like 2024 to be the “year of the AI PC” and to put a point on that, the company today announced a new key for Copilot — that is, a physical key that will soon make its way to your keyboard and join the Windows key, together with its friends the Control key, Alt and that Insert key you’ve never purposely used. Based on the image Microsoft sent over, it looks like the new Copilot key will replace the right Control key on the standard PC keyboard, where it will slot in between the Alt key and the left arrow key. “The introduction of the Copilot key marks the first significant change to the Windows PC keyboard in nearly three decades,” Microsoft’s Yusuf Mehdi, Executive Vice President & Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, writes in today’s announcement. The Copilot key joins the Windows key as a core part of the PC keyboard and when pressed, the new key will invoke the Copilot in Windows experience to make it seamless to engage Copilot in your day to day.”In regions where Copilot is not available, the Copilot key will launch Windows Search. The first keyboards with the new key will launch at this year’s CES in Las Vegas and will likely start shipping in late February.

Microsoft is setting its sights on 2024 to be the year of the AI PC. In a bold move, the tech giant has announced a new addition to the standard keyboard: the Copilot key. This physical key will join the familiar Windows key, along with its companions Control, Alt, and the often-ignored Insert key.

“The introduction of the Copilot key marks the first significant change to the Windows PC keyboard in nearly three decades,” explains Yusuf Mehdi, Executive Vice President & Consumer Chief Marketing Officer at Microsoft. “We believe it will empower people to participate in the AI transformation more easily.”

This new key will take the place of the right Control key on traditional PC keyboards, nestled between the Alt key and the left arrow key. When pressed, it will invoke the Copilot in Windows experience, seamlessly incorporating AI into everyday tasks.

In areas where Copilot is not available, the key will instead launch Windows Search. The first keyboards with this new key will debut at CES in Las Vegas this year, with shipments expected in late February. Microsoft, along with its partners like AMD and Intel, envision a future where much of AI processing can be shifted to local silicon, creating exciting new opportunities for AI integration on the Windows PC.

“Never one to exaggerate, Microsoft sees this as a transformative moment in our journey with Windows, where Copilot will be the entry point into the world of AI on the PC,” states Mehdi.

But not to worry, your old keyboard will still function as before. And for those with customizable keyboards, it may be possible to remap the right Control key to work as the Copilot key. Of course, you could also choose to ignore the whole thing altogether.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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