“Introducing ChatGPT by OpenAI: An Exclusive Subscription for Small Teams”

OpenAI is launching a new subscription plan for ChatGPT, its viral AI-powered chatbot, aimed at smaller, self-service-oriented teams. Aptly called ChatGPT Team, the plan provides a dedicated workspace for teams up to 149 people using ChatGPT as well as admin tools for team management. ChatGPT Team also lets people within a team build and share GPTs, custom apps based on OpenAI’s text-generating AI models. ChatGPT Team is priced at $30 per user per month or $25 per user per month billed annually — higher than ChatGPT Plus, OpenAI’s individual premium ChatGPT plan, which costs $20 per month. ChatGPT Team seems tailor-made for small- and medium-sized business customers who want team-oriented ChatGPT features without having to pay top dollar for them.

OpenAI has announced the launch of a new subscription plan for ChatGPT, its highly popular and viral AI-powered chatbot. This new plan, called ChatGPT Team, is specifically designed for smaller teams that prefer a self-service approach.

ChatGPT Team provides an exclusive workspace for teams with up to 149 members who use the chatbot, along with useful administrative tools for effective team management. As part of the plan, all users in a ChatGPT Team gain access to OpenAI’s latest models – GPT-4, GPT-4 with Vision, and DALL-E 3. These models not only generate text but also possess the ability to interpret images and create new ones, making the chatbot more versatile and efficient. Additionally, the plan offers tools to enable ChatGPT to analyze, edit, and extract information from uploaded files.

One of the standout features of ChatGPT Team is the option for team members to develop and share custom apps known as GPTs, which are based on OpenAI’s text-generating AI models. These apps do not require any coding experience and can be as simple or complex as desired. For example, a GPT could be programmed to analyze a company’s proprietary codebases, helping developers to ensure they are following the correct style or creating code in line with best practices.

In addition to these features, OpenAI promises that customers of ChatGPT Team will have access to new and improved features in the future. Moreover, the company assures that it will not use team data or conversations for training its models, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of its customers’ information.

ChatGPT Team is priced at $30 per user per month or $25 per user per month for annual billing. This price may seem higher than the individual premium plan, ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20 per month. However, it is considerably cheaper than ChatGPT Enterprise, which has a starting price of $60 per user per month with a minimum of 150 users and a 12-month contract.

It seems like ChatGPT Team has been tailor-made for small and medium-sized businesses who want the benefits of team-oriented features without the hefty price tag. This is a promising market, as a recent survey by ResumeBuilder revealed that almost half of the companies are already using ChatGPT for various use cases, such as coding, creating content, and summarizing documents and meetings. An additional 30% of companies plan to implement ChatGPT in the near future, making it a highly sought-after tool for business purposes.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

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