“No Interruptions: Nowatch Enhances Fitness Tracker with Customizable Watch Faces”

The product is a relief within the constant buzz of notifications and fitness goals and the relentless race against time. Bring on the AIThe company uses its AI back end to learn the wearer’s biorhythms and can send gentle personalized vibrations to remind you to calm the hell down, already. “I would like to see if her heart rate heart is going into certain zones that might be worrying. He also points out that the company is seeing increased interest in B2B sales, especially in stress management and scientific research. I love a good oddball curveball company, and it was interesting to see the company continue to grow and evolve.

I crossed paths with Nowatch at CES last year, where the founders were immersed in perfecting their product over the past 12 months. They have utilized the power of AI to enhance their wearable jewelry, taking the form of a watch, that operates with minimal interruption and primarily keeps track of your movements while displaying a stylish design. Ironically enough, the new addition of watch faces to their wearable, appropriately named “Nowatch”, further showcases their dedication to this product.

“Our ideology revolves around prioritizing ‘quality time’ and this philosophy extends to our recent releases, such as our time discs,” defends Hylke Muntinga, the founder of Nowatch, in a conversation with TechCrunch at CES 2024. “People require efficient time management tools for various tasks and our approach allows for the integration of these needs, distinguishing us as a premium smartwatch brand within the competitive market.”

The founders proudly boast a 20-year battery life for their Nowatch Chronos inserts, with the option to replace the battery when needed. The customizable feature to switch out watch inserts opens up a world of possibilities for a single smartwatch system, while the underlying technology focused on monitoring your health remains discreet, unless prompted to be accessed through the corresponding app.

Nowatch offers a respite from the constant flurry of notifications, constant fitness goals, and the ceaseless struggle against time. The company has revamped their operations as a B Corporation, doubling down on their commitment to providing peace, mindfulness, and a deeper awareness of one’s physical and mental well-being. This remarkable shift deviates from the norm, as most wearables only serve to increase stress instead of easing it.

The company’s design philosophy is rooted in the belief that wearables should be worn and appreciated, a concept often overlooked in a sea of impersonal plastic-and-glass fitness trackers. With this in mind, Nowatch utilizes interchangeable discs created from polished metal and gemstones, allowing users to personalize their device to suit their style and mood, day or night.

The Power of AI

Nowatch utilizes their AI back end to learn an individual’s biorhythms and can send gentle, tailored vibrations to remind them to calm down and relax. The main goal is to empower users to better respond to stress triggers, cultivating resilience and promoting overall well-being.

To improve wellness, accountability can prove to be an effective factor (commonly referred to as peer pressure). The company has taken a unique approach to facilitate this concept.

“We have implemented a sharing feature of data, such as heart rate monitoring, which is especially beneficial for those like my mother, who has a pacemaker,” Muntinga elaborates. “I am able to observe if her heart rate reaches potentially concerning levels and offer assistance. Our users have the option to enable notifications and invite their support circles.”

In an uncommon move for smart devices, Nowatch firmly believes in data rights as human rights, emphasizing that users have complete control over their data. This includes decisions regarding where it is stored, who it is shared with, and how it is used.

The team has chosen not to disclose the exact number of units sold to date, but there are believed to be thousands. They also share that there is an increasing interest in B2B sales, particularly in the fields of stress management and scientific research.

As someone who appreciates groundbreaking and out-of-the-box companies, I thoroughly enjoy witnessing the continual growth and evolution of Nowatch.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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