Deadline for Ai Pin delayed to mid-April due to compassionate decision

First-generation products from new startups are notoriously so, regardless of how much money and excitement you’ve managed to drum up. Given all that, it’s likely few are too surprised that Humane’s upcoming Ai Pin has been pushed back a bit, from March to “mid-April,” per a new video from the Bay Area startup’s Head of Media, Sam Sheffer. The Ai Pin was finally unveiled at an event in San Francisco back in early November, where we were able to spend a little controlled hands-on time with the wearable. Humane is positioning its product as the next step for a space that’s been stuck on the smartphone form factor for more than a decade. The Ai Pin is currently available for preorder at $699.

“Hardware is tricky,” to paraphrase a well-known saying. First-generation products from startups can be notoriously difficult, no matter how much funding and excitement they generate. That is why it comes as no surprise that Humane’s upcoming Ai Pin has been delayed from its original March release date to “mid-April,” as confirmed by a recent video from the company’s Head of Media, Sam Sheffer.

In a classic Sorkin-style walk and talk, Sheffer reveals that the first units will be leaving the factory at the end of March. Assuming everything goes according to plan, priority access customers can expect to receive their Ai Pins in mid-April, while remaining preorders will arrive shortly after.

Humane garnered a lot of attention in the tech world even before officially announcing their first product, thanks to the founders’ impressive backgrounds at Apple and some mysterious pre-launch videos. The Ai Pin was finally unveiled at an event in San Francisco back in November, where early hands-on demos were available.

The device is a prominent example of a rising trend in consumer hardware, as more and more startups utilize the power of generative AI to create unique form factors. Humane is positioning their product as the next evolution of wearable technology, breaking away from the smartphone-centric design that has dominated the market for over a decade.

But 2021 may also be the year of the “AI smartphone,” with companies like OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft incorporating GPT models into their devices for more advanced interactions with consumers. And at CES, another up-and-coming company, fueled by generative AI, caught attention for their innovative approach to consumer devices.

For Humane, this launch is crucial. With a total funding of over $230 million, including a successful $100 million Series C round last year, they have a lot riding on the success of the Ai Pin. Ultimately, it’s best to delay a product until it’s fully ready for the market. While early adopters are generally forgiving of first-generation bugs, there’s a limit to their patience. The Ai Pin must work as intended, most of the time at least, in order to satisfy consumers and investors.

During CES, the company made headlines for announcing a 10% reduction in their workforce, laying off 10 employees. While this may seem insignificant for a well-financed company, it’s a notable event when confidence in the company must be projected to both consumers and investors.

The Ai Pin is currently available for preorder at $699. Customers who place their orders before March 31 will receive three months of the device’s $24/month subscription service for free.

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Max Chen

Max Chen is an AI expert and journalist with a focus on the ethical and societal implications of emerging technologies. He has a background in computer science and is known for his clear and concise writing on complex technical topics. He has also written extensively on the potential risks and benefits of AI, and is a frequent speaker on the subject at industry conferences and events.

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