“Ariel Kaye: The Entrepreneur Behind an Enduring Brand Amidst the DTC Craze”

It’s no surprise that after ten years, Parachute, the home lifestyle brand, stands as the dust settles from the direct-to-consumer boom. Founded by Ariel Kaye in 2012, Parachute has developed a loyal customer base because of its high-quality bedding, towels, and robes. Naturally, TechCrunch wanted to see what it has been like managing the DTC boom these past few years and brought Kaye onto our podcast Found to chat about it. “From the moment we launched, we just kept hearing, ‘I’ve been waiting for a brand like this,” she told us. She learned to manage logistics, hire a team, and find a network of other entrepreneurs who could support her during the highs and lows of — wait for it — being a solo founder.

It’s no secret that Parachute, the home lifestyle brand founded in 2012, has withstood the settling dust of the direct-to-consumer boom for over ten years.

“From the moment we launched, we just kept hearing, ‘I’ve been waiting for a brand like this’,” founder Ariel Kaye told us. “It became very obvious early on that we were onto something.”

With a loyal customer base drawn to its high-quality bedding, towels, and robes, Parachute has recently expanded into new categories such as furniture and baby products, and has even opened 26 retail stores worldwide.

So, naturally, TechCrunch sat down with Kaye on their podcast Found to get an inside look at what it’s been like managing the DTC boom over the past few years. On the show, Kaye reflected on how her company was one of the first to tap into the personal and tailored needs of the millennial-consumer market.

Her entrepreneurial journey has taken her all over the world in search of the perfect materials to spice up any home. Along the way, she’s learned how to handle logistics, build a team, and connect with other entrepreneurs for support during the ups and downs of solo founder life. The result? A decade of lessons and hard-earned success.

In their conversation, Kaye and TechCrunch also delve into topics like the challenges of being a solo founder, the art of hiring, and navigating the world of fundraising.

So how has Kaye managed to stay relevant and successful in a saturated DTC market where other brands have crumbled?

“I think it’s because we’ve really stayed true to our mission and our values over the years,” Kaye explained. “We always put our customers first and focus on creating high-quality, timeless products that make a difference in their daily lives. That’s what sets us apart.”

And with that customer-centric mindset, it’s no surprise that Parachute continues to soar above the rest in the home lifestyle industry.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

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