Grok: xAI Releases Base Model with No Training Code as Open Source

Elon Musk’s xAI has open-sourced the base code of Grok AI model, but without any training code. In a blog post, xAI said that the model wasn’t tuned for any particular application such as using it for conversations. Last week, Musk noted on X that xAI intended to open-source the Grok model this week. Some AI-powered tool makers are already talking about using Grok in their solutions. Yep, thanks to @elonmusk and xAI team for open-sourcing the base model for Grok.

Elon Musk’s company, xAI, has recently open-sourced the foundational code of their highly coveted Grok AI model. This release, however, does not include any training code. In an official blog post, xAI revealed that the model, which is being referred to as the “314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Expert model,” can now be accessed on GitHub.

The company emphasized that the Grok-1 model has not been specifically tuned for any particular use, such as conducting conversations. Furthermore, xAI disclosed that Grok-1 was trained on a “custom” stack, but did not provide further details. It is important to note that the model is made available under the Apache License 2.0, which permits commercial usage.

Just a week ago, Musk announced on social media platform X that xAI is planning to open-source the Grok model within the following week. This chatbot model was previously released in a chatbot form last year exclusively for Premium+ users of X’s network. However, the newly accessible open-source model does not have any connections to the social network.

It is worth mentioning that various prominent companies have previously released open-source versions of their own AI models, such as Meta’s LLaMa, Mistral, Falcon, and AI2. In February of this year, Google also joined in by unveiling their two new open models, known as Gemma2B and Gemma7B.

Several toolmakers, powered by AI, have already expressed their interest in utilizing the Grok model in their solutions. One of them is CEO Arvind Srinivas from Perplexity, who posted on X that they are planning to fine-tune Grok specifically for conversational search and make it accessible to their Pro users.

In a tweet, Srinivas expressed gratitude towards Elon Musk and the xAI team for open-sourcing the base model for Grok. They plan to optimize the inference and make it available for all Pro users.

Musk has been engaged in a legal battle with OpenAI and had filed a lawsuit against them for what he perceived as a “betrayal” of the nonprofit AI goal earlier this month. Since then, he has taken to X multiple times to call out OpenAI and Sam Altman.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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