LinkedIn to Introduce a TikTok-Inspired Video Feed on its App

LinkedIn is testing a new TikTok-like short-form video feed, the company confirmed to TechCrunch on Wednesday. With this new test, LinkedIn joins numerous other popular apps that have launched their own short-form video feeds following TikTok’s rise in popularity, including Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Netflix. Null posted a short demo on LinkedIn showcasing the new feed, which lives in the app’s navigation bar in a new “Video” tab. LinkedIn’s new feed would give creators a new place to share their video content and potentially reach more viewers. It’s possible that LinkedIn may also monetize the feed at some point in the future to entice creators to post their video content on the app.

The popular professional networking app, LinkedIn, is jumping on the short-form video bandwagon with the introduction of a new feature that resembles TikTok’s format. Confirming the news to TechCrunch on Wednesday, the company is eager to join other apps that have launched their own versions of short-form video feeds in light of TikTok’s rise to fame. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and Netflix have all ventured into short video content, and now LinkedIn is looking to do the same.

The discovery of this new feature was made by Austin Null, Strategy Director at the influencer agency McKinney. On LinkedIn, Null posted a quick demo showcasing the new feature which appears in the app’s navigation bar under a new tab labelled “Video”. Once selected, users will be taken to a vertical feed of short videos that can be swiped through. Here, users can like, comment or share videos with others. The company has yet to reveal how the feed determines which videos are shown to users.

While the format of the new feed may seem similar to other apps, like those that feature a wide range of content from comedy to cooking tutorials, LinkedIn is putting a professional twist on their version. Focused on careers and business, the platform is utilizing the popularity of short videos to boost engagement and make it easier for users to discover relevant content.

Microsoft owned LinkedIn recognizes that videos are quickly becoming a preferred format for learning from professionals and experts. This is why they are testing a new way for users to discover and engage with relevant videos. However, the feature is still in its early stages of testing, so most users will not yet have access to it.

The launch of this new feature coincides with the growing trend of creators gaining a significant following on TikTok for sharing their experiences and advice on career growth, job hunting, and professional development. With the addition of the new feed, LinkedIn provides another platform for creators to share their video content and reach a larger audience. In the future, the company may even monetize the feature, providing more incentive for creators to post their videos on the app.

While this new opportunity is exciting for creators, some users may not welcome yet another short-form video feed on a popular app. It’s understandable that some may feel overwhelmed by the vast number of such feeds on various platforms.

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Max Chen

Max Chen is an AI expert and journalist with a focus on the ethical and societal implications of emerging technologies. He has a background in computer science and is known for his clear and concise writing on complex technical topics. He has also written extensively on the potential risks and benefits of AI, and is a frequent speaker on the subject at industry conferences and events.

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