
“Global Announcement: Mercenary Attacks Targeting Apple Users Conveyed to 92 Countries”

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Apple sent threat notifications to iPhone users in 92 countries on Wednesday, warning them that may have been targeted by mercenary spyware attacks. The company sent the alerts to individuals in 92 nations at 12pm Pacific Time on Wednesday. “Apple detected that you are being targeted by a mercenary spyware attack that is trying to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple ID -xxx-,” the company wrote in the warning to customers. “This attack is likely targeting you specifically because of who you are or what you do. Although it’s never possible to achieve absolute certainty when detecting such attacks, Apple has high confidence in this warning — please take it seriously.”The iPhone-maker sends these notifications multiple times a year and has notified users in over 150 countries since 2021, it wrote in an updated support page.

Tesla’s Sales Decline Attributed to Houthi Attacks and Arson in Germany

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Crucially, Tesla shipped fewer cars than it did in the first quarter of 2023, meaning this was the first year-over-year drop in sales in three years. Production was also down year-over-year, which Tesla attributed to switching to making the new Model 3, as well as the other disruptions. These drops come just two months after Tesla warned that sales growth could be “notably lower” in 2024 as it comes off a successful 2023 fueled by price cuts. Bloomberg News reported last month that Tesla curtailed output at its Shanghai factory as a result of slower sales growth in the country. Tesla tried to pull a few tricks at the end of the quarter to boost sales, as it usually does.

Fighting Cyber Threats with Existing Tools: How Reach Security Helps Companies Defend Themselves

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Well, if you ask Garrett Hamilton, they should give Reach Security a whirl. Instead of serving as just another layer in a company’s cybersecurity stack, Reach connects to a company’s existing IT and security products, collecting data on attacks and recommending ways to combat them using security tools that the company already owns. They’re wrong.”Prior to Reach, Hamilton worked at Palo Alto Networks, where he was director of product management. A survey from security posture management vendor Panaseer found that organizations manage on average between 64 to 76 security tools (as of 2022). Reach also auto-tunes security tool configurations to try to prevent attacks, prioritizing actions based on how the attacks are being carried out.

Is banning ransom payments necessary?

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As cybercriminals continue to reap the financial rewards of their attacks, talk of a federal ban on ransom payments is getting louder. Since then, just as talk of a potential ransom payment ban has gotten louder, so has the ransomware activity. Is a ban on ransom payments the solution? For a ban on ransom payments to be successful, international and universal regulation would need to be implemented — which, given varying international standards around ransom payments, would be almost impossible to enforce. Given the brazen nature of these attackers, it’s unlikely that they would be deterred by a ban on ransom payments.

” “Negligent Inaction: Discord Fails to Address Server’s Orchestrated and Expensive Mastodon Spam Offense”

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Over the weekend, hackers targeted federated social networks like Mastodon to carry out ongoing spam attacks that were organized on Discord, and conducted using Discord applications. But Discord has yet to remove the server where the attacks are facilitated, and Mastodon community leaders have been unable to reach anyone at the company. She told TechCrunch that while Discord has mechanisms for reporting individual users or messages, it lacks a clear way to report whole servers. And as Smith notes, these mass spam attacks can drive up server costs, leaving admins with unexpected bills. According to reports on Mastodon, this fully-automated attack was sparked by a conflict between teenagers on two different Japanese language Discord servers.

Halcyon, the Anti-Ransomware Startup, Secures $40M in New Funding

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Statista, meanwhile, reports that a whopping over two-thirds — 72% — of businesses have been affected by ransomware attacks as of 2023. Certainly, one vendor, Halcyon, is experiencing a boon, having raised $44 million in a Series A round last April. The startup’s now closed a smaller Series B tranche — $40 million — that brings its total raised to $84 million. “The Halcyon platform is built to keep businesses operational even in the event of a widespread ransomware incident,” Miller said. “Halcyon is the only company solely focused on battling ransomware with layers for both prevention and resilience,” Miller said.

“The Growing Menace of Extortion: How it’s Replacing Ransomware as the Top Cyber Threat”

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Why extortion is the new ransomware threat Ransomware actors are increasingly rebuffing encryption-based attacks in favor of plain extortion. While novel, this isn’t the only aggressive tactic used by ransomware and extortion gangs. What’s the difference between ransomware and extortion? The Ransomware Task Force describes ransomware as an “evolving form of cybercrime, through which criminals remotely compromise computer systems and demand a ransom in return for restoring and/or not exposing data.”In reality, ransomware attacks can fall on a spectrum of impact. This was demonstrated in the recent ransomware attack against Caesars Entertainment, which paid off the hackers in a bid to prevent the disclosure of stolen data.