
“Bringing Curbside Charging to Your Neighborhood Lampost: Voltpost’s Mission”

Voltpost Curbside Charger
The lowly lamppost might be a better option: they’re everywhere, and they have all the wiring needed to make curbside charging seamless. One startup from New York City, Voltpost, has been working on a product that retrofits existing street lampposts to enable EV charging. On Thursday, it introduced its lamppost charger after a year of design and development. Voltpost’s charger docks at hand-level on the lamppost shroud, and the retractable cable has an anchor eight-feet up to keep it off the ground. As is the case with just about every EV charger network, there’s an app to oversee charging sessions, including payments.

“Preparing for a Greener Future: Developing the Workforce for Clean Energy”

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Innovation in clean tech and renewable energy is moving fast — maybe a bit too fast. The clean tech industry is expected to create 8 million jobs by the end of 2030, according to a recent report by the International Energy Agency. These numbers are apparently based on current policies, and if more resources go toward the clean energy transition, the report’s authors expect the number to rise, too. The startup hires and trains folks to install and maintain sustainable heat pumps. It trains people new to the trades, provides upskilling training to those who have some experience, and has its workers install and maintain equipment for other companies.