
Employers, Ease Up: Bereave Urges Improved Sensitivity Towards Death

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If death and taxes are inevitable, why are companies so prepared for taxes, but not for death? In the immediate aftermath of Linder’s loss, founding a company would have been a long shot. So Bereave built a B2B product to sell to employers, which they can offer their employees in times of need. The platform catalogs resources for people experiencing loss, walking them through the steps of closing out a loved one’s affairs. Tall Poppy, a company that offers digital safety guidance for employees navigating online harassment and hacks, also uses step-by-step checklists.

Exploring the Possibilities: How Rivian and Telo’s Compact EV Models Could Revive the Electric Vehicle Industry

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The great EV boom is fading a bit, but that’s not a concern if you take a long-enough view. Sure, Tesla expects slower growth for its car sales this year, and there are some indications that other companies are trimming their electric car plans, but there’s also reason to be optimistic. If you take a look at some upcoming EVs, you may notice that the don’t look precisely like the current, bestselling gas-powered cars out there. I reckon that that is for the best — when you swap power sources, you can shake up the rest of a vehicles design, right? So two cheers for Rivian’s R3 and what Telo is cooking up, because their plans have me hype.

Examining the Inadequate Insights from the Majority of AI Benchmarks

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Here’s why most AI benchmarks tell us so littleOn Tuesday, startup Anthropic released a family of generative AI models that it claims achieve best-in-class performance. The reason — or rather, the problem — lies with the benchmarks AI companies use to quantify a model’s strengths — and weaknesses. “Many benchmarks used for evaluation are three-plus years old, from when AI systems were mostly just used for research and didn’t have many real users. In addition, people use generative AI in many ways — they’re very creative.”It’s not that the most-used benchmarks are totally useless. However, as generative AI models are increasingly positioned as mass market, “do-it-all” systems, old benchmarks are becoming less applicable.

Saying Farewell to the Small Helicopter That Overcame All Odds

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Ingenuity, the small helicopter that’s been buzzing around the Red Planet for almost three years, took its final flight late last week. In the end, the helicopter ended up performing a staggering 72 flights, collectively traveling 11 miles and climbing up to 79 feet at the highest altitude. Most of these people have not been subjected to the rigorous psychological tests that Shuttle astronauts receive. On January 28, 1986, Space Shuttle Challenger exploded just 73 seconds after lift-off, killing all seven crew members. The disaster resulted in a nearly three-year moratorium on Space Shuttle missions and subsequent investigations identified myriad issues within NASA culture that indriectly or directly led to the disaster.

VinFast’s EV expansion includes new electric pickup truck in growing production plans

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Vietnamese EV startup VinFast is trying to get into the electric pickup truck game, as it revealed a new concept called the VF Wild at CES 2024 in Las Vegas. The company announced it also plans to start selling its smallest EV, the VF3, outside of Vietnam as previously hinted. The VF3 is a plucky little EV that VinFast announced in Vietnam earlier this year. Developing a truck and globally launching a compact EV aren’t even the biggest things on VinFast’s plate. Globally, the overwhelming majority of VinFast’s EV sales have been to a taxi company owned by Vuong.

Top Choices for Late-Stage Startup Funding Solutions

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Entrepreneurs navigating the later stages of a startup face a minefield of funding options, and not all of them are suitable for their business. I’ve seen too many brilliant and hard-working entrepreneurs end up with too little, so it’s critical to understand the different financing options available to you. As the founder and CEO of Runway Growth Capital, I’ve had the pleasure of working with hundreds of startups (large and small) and witnessing the wide range of funding options available to founders. Funding a late-stage startupThe disparity in what different forms of financing can mean has profound implications for founders, yet too little is known about them. The disparity in what different forms of financing can mean has profound implications for founders, yet too little is known about them.