Comprehensive A-Z Tutorial for Video Marketing in Africa: Investor Survey Results

If your marketing plan doesn’t include TikTok, YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels, well, can you really call it a marketing plan? Sure, you may be able to put together a basic strategy and launch some ads or get backing from a funding platform. But without engaging with millennials through their preferred digital platforms, your efforts are likely doomed to fail. In fact, studies have shown that online video is the most effective way to reach millennials. So if you

In order to get started with video content marketing, you first have to understand the importance of engagement. According to growth expert Jonathan Martinez, engagement is how your audience becomes emotionally attached to your brand. That’s why creating interesting and engaging videos is so important – without it, your videos will likely fail in terms of converting visitors into customers.

Here are four tips for getting started with video content marketing:

1) Make a Plan: Before you start filming anything, make a plan – what do you want to communicate through your videos? What key elements will they include? Once you know these things, it

  • Leverage creator marketplaces.
  • Produce short-form videos.
  • Build lasting creator relationships.
  • Cross-pollinate your videos.

If you’re someone who always seems to be cluttered and overwhelmed, then a one or two year subscription to Full TechGround+ would be perfect for you. The site offers an abundance of helpful articles on all sorts of tech-related topics, and they’re always updated with the latest information so that you can keep up with the latest trends. Plus, their discounts make it easy to get started so that you can start organizing your digital life in the way that works best for you.

If you’re a startup and don’t have a video content plan for 2023, you’re missing out on an opportunity to create brand awareness and reach more consumers. Videos are one of the best methods for creating engaging content that can be shared across social media platforms and online websites, so making sure you have a strategy in place to produce videos is essential if you want your business to thrive. Planning ahead will help increase your chances of success, so make sure to set some goals and timeline for producing videos in the coming years.

There are many ways to promote your business through growth marketing tactics. Some popular techniques includesearch engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, and content marketing. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the right approach for your business.

SEO is a great way to get your website ranked high in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can lead to increased traffic and sales. However, paid advertising can be expensive and may

I am very thankful for TG++ this week because it has helped me learn a lot about programming. This program has taught me how to create simple code, debug problems, and use different programming languages.

Walter Thompson, Editorial Manager of TechGround, loves discovering the latest and greatest technology. Whether it be through gadgets and gizmos on the internet or from actual products in stores, he’s always on the lookout for something new to test out. When he

How to manage third-party cybersecurity risks that are too costly to ignore

A fallen white ceramic plate of spaghetti, with a fork beside it. Pasta bolognese in tomato sauce is scattered on a white background or table. The concept of vegetarian and vegan food. Food background. Copy of the text space.

More than 700 million people around the world are blind, so it is important for companies and organizations to be aware of these individuals’ needs. Many organizations have created programs that work with blind employees, including Starbucks, Dell and Reddit. These programs help accommodate the unique needs of this population by providing

Entering into a contract with a third-party vendor can be risky for startups. Despite the advantages of tapping into their expertise, the vendor could unexpectedly go out of business or fail to meet expectations. In addition, startup owners may not have the necessary knowledge or experience to judge which vendors are best suited for their needs. As such, it is important to carefully evaluate options and choose one that provides both value and stability.

While there are many third-party vendors that organizations use to improve their efficiency, effectiveness and overall operations, it is important to remember that these companies fall victim to breaches on a regular basis. This means that teams need to take steps both preventative (such as cleaning up logs regularly) and reactive (such as activating incident response plans) in order to manage the risk of data breaches.

Organizations that fail to address their negative onlineReputation are destined for long-term troubles. While cleaning up the damages may seem like a quick and easy fix, the long-term cost will be significantly higher. Negative publicity can hurt recruitment efforts and damage relationships with customers. Businesses that don’t take action to restore their reputation will eventually lose out to competitors who have remembered the importance of online reputation management

After a record 2022, 8 investors explain why it’s ‘still just Day 1’ for Africa’s startup ecosystem

Paper plane on a blue background.

In the opening scene of ‘The Book Thief,’ we see a little girl stealing books from a library. She clearly enjoys the thrill of the chase and is very proud of her haul. The little girl is 1939 Nazi Germany and her name is Liesel Meminger.

In spite of the downturn, Africa had a record year in 2022 when 1,100 investors poured $6.5 billion into the region’s startups. This influx of money has helped jumpstart growth in areas like information technology and health care, and has helped put African businesses on par with their Asian and American counterparts.

Investors interviewed for the article speculated that some of the bullish sentiment in 2021 may have been driven by inflated expectations brought on by technological advancements and democratization of investing opportunities. Some pointed to a number of widely reported success stories, such as Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of WhatsApp and Tencent’s $120 billion investment in WeChat as examples, arguing that overflow demand drove those high valuations. Others suggested that economic conditions abroad left many people feeling more hopeful about their own futures and investing more recklessly than usual, regardless of the actual state of the

  • Kola Aina, general partner, Ventures Platform
  • Zachariah George, managing partner, Launch Africa Ventures
  • Olumide Soyombo, co-founder, Voltron Capital
  • Stephen Deng, co-founder and managing partner, DFS Lab
  • Karima El Hakim, country director, Plug and Play Egypt
  • Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, founding partner, Future Africa
  • Maya Horgan Famodu, founder and partner, Ingressive Capital
  • Kyane Kassiri, partner, RaliCap

Dear Sophie: Will published articles boost my odds of getting an O-1A or H-1B visa?

lone figure at entrance to maze hedge that has an American flag at the center

The ever-growing trend of augmented reality has moved from gaming to entertainment, with the latest example being a new AR show called “All You Can Eat.” The premise is simple: viewers can

Dear Sophie,
I hope you’re doing well! I was just getting into the swing of things

An article about your startup or entrepreneurism can definitely help boost your application for an O-1A visa or H-1B visa if you’re looking to immigrate to the United States. In fact, many U.S. immigration attorneys believe that writing or having published articles about your businessesonline or in printcan be a really strong indicator of skills and innovation that can help make you a valuable employee in the American economy. So even if you haven’t published anything yet (or even if you’ve only written short articles), promoting your startup’s story externally can definitely put yourself ahead of the competition when it comes to landing a job in America.

There is no one answer to this question as publications can vary greatly in their validity. Some sources may be considered tier-1 while others may only be considered valid in English. Ultimately, the validity of a publication will depend on its source and how credible it is.

Turkey is a tenacious country that has always been an underdog. Despite strong resistance from outsiders, Turkey has managed to remain a powerhouse in the

Pitch Deck Teardown:’s $6M seed deck is a Yelp for vegetables, helping you find the best local organics, produce, and groceries near you. With filters for price or rating, you can quickly find what you’re looking for.

Prior to the pandemic, engineering teams typically started their days with face-to-face standup meetings so members could coordinate efforts and track each others’ progress. Unfortunately, due to public safety concerns, many companies are now starting their day with video call sessions instead. This change can be a challenge for teams who rely heavily on face-to-face communication. Video call sessions can be inefficient and disruptive if they last too long, or if there is any technical difficulty causing the call to fail. It’s important for engineers to find a compromise between efficient communication and public safety that works best for them and

This allows team members to work from anywhere in the world and still have all the communication that they need. This integration makes it easy for users to stay involved with their projects, no matter where they are.

Working in close collaboration with their product owner, engineering teams use the Scrum agile development process to create new features or repairs to existing functionality. By continuously documenting their progress and monitoring key metrics, they can ensure that the product meets customer needs while meeting agreed-upon deadlines. is a startup that uses artificial intelligence to predict what crops will be in demand and produce those crops on an industrial scale. By doing so, they hope to help alleviate world hunger. The company is currently fundraising and has raised $6 million in seed funding from notable investors including Andreessen Horowitz, the Obvious Ventures Accelerator

  • Cover slide
  • Team slide
  • Problem slide
  • Mission slide
  • Product slide
  • Traction slide
  • Customers slide
  • Investors slide
  • 18-month plan slide
  • Thank-you slide

Think about your business model as part of a VC pitch

Image of tiles indicating parts of a business model on a dark blue background.

There is no one definitive answer to the question of what makes a great coffee. For some, its smooth taste and rich aroma are key factors, while others may focus on the authenticity of the brew. Whatever your preferences, it’s safe to say that there is no bad coffee out there – as long as you’re

If you want to get an investor’s attention, you need to have a well-crafted business plan. The most important part of writing a business plan is understanding the fundamentals of capitalism. Without a fundamental understanding of how businesses work, your business plan will likely be irrelevant and unappreciated. MBA students learn about basic principles such as market demand and supply in finance and accounting courses, so if you want to convince investors that your startup has the potential to succeed, it would be helpful if you had some similarly foundational knowledge at your disposal. Creating a detailed business plan

Many pitch decks focus on a product, but it’s important to consider the pitch deck’s audience when designing. For example, if you’re pitching to investors and executives, your slide might emphasize data visualizations and graphs. If you’re pitching to clients or users, you might want to include more quotes from them (and less data). And lastly, think about how different sections of your slide can be

  • Cost of goods sold
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Lifetime value
  • R&D cost
  • Pricing model

Investors are always looking for new and exciting startups to invest in, so it is important that your startup tells a good story to them. By breaking down your stats into interesting bits and pieces, you can better equip yourself with the information needed to present your startup in the best possible light.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

Articles: 874

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