Uncovering the Foundations of African Business: Exploring Investor Surveys, Business Model Basics and Video Marketing Tactics

If your marketing plan doesn’t include one of the most popular social media platforms, well, can you really call it a marketing plan? Strategy for including these platforms in your mix should be considered if you want to reach your desired audience. YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels are great examples of how to capture attention and create engagement with viewers. By using short videos or photos with interesting narratives, businesses can show their personality while still targeting their target market. Additionally, by using hasht

Video content is a great way to engage with your audience, and it can help you drive early engagement. Here are four tactics for getting started:

1. Know Your Audience. First, know who you’re talking to—your customer base or potential customers. Figure out what interests them and focus on providing content that addresses their needs and interests. If you can create a connection with your audience, they’re more likely to stick around and learn about your product or service.

2. Make It Fun & Engaging. Second, make sure your videos are entertaining as well as informative—your

  • Leverage creator marketplaces.
  • Produce short-form videos.
  • Build lasting creator relationships.
  • Cross-pollinate your videos.

A full TechGround+ subscription provides access to over 1,200 expert-written articles covering the latest trends in technology.TechGround+ is perfect for tech enthusiasts and professionals who want to stay on top of their industry.

Without a video content plan, your startup might be missing out on a great way to create brand awareness and reach more consumers. Videos can help provide interesting insights into your company and product, as well as attract new customers.

When it comes to creating a successful marketing campaign, it’s not just about creating catchy slogans or slapping a bunch of ads on the internet. There are also some key steps you need to take in order to ensure your efforts are fruitful.

One thing you should definitely do is come up with an interesting and engaging slogan. You want people to remember your campaign and be motivated to try out what you’re offering. Once you have a catchy phrase, make sure

Writing code is one of the most important skills that a programmer can have. Not only does it help you solve problems, but it also teaches you how to problem solve, think logically and as a team player

TechGround’s editorial team is always on the lookout for good, new technology. When we heard about the Pebble watch, we knew it would be a perfect fit for our site. Pebble watches are tiny Wear OS devices that display notifications and other alerts from

How to manage third-party cybersecurity risks that are too costly to ignore

A fallen white ceramic plate of spaghetti, with a fork beside it. Pasta bolognese in tomato sauce is scattered on a white background or table. The concept of vegetarian and vegan food. Food background. Copy of the text space.

Russia and NATO continue to argue about the veracity of Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, but recent reports suggest that Moscow may be planning to launch a major military campaign in Europe. If true, this could mark a dramatic escalation in the region and potentially lead to full-scale war between the two

Early-stage startups often rely on third-party vendors to handle some aspects of their operations. Functions such as shopping carts, credit card processing and ID verification can be cumbersome and time consuming to build from scratch, so outsourcing is a natural choice for many startups. Outsourcing allows startup owners to focus their efforts on developing the core functionality of their company, while relying on outside experts to handle more mundane tasks.

As third-party data breaches become more common, organizations need to take steps to risk management in order to mitigate the damage caused. One way to do this is by creating a system for tracking and monitoring data. By doing this, teams can stay informed about potential risks and take preventative measures before something goes wrong.

In order to protect and maintain the reputation of their company, employees must always be vigilant in taking necessary steps to clean up any and all messes. This includes not only making sure desks are orderly, but that all supplies are returned to their designated locations. However, as time goes on and this type of maintenance becomes less frequent, the damage done to a company’s reputation will continue to cost them in lost business.

After a record 2022, 8 investors explain why it’s ‘still just Day 1’ for Africa’s startup ecosystem

Paper plane on a blue background.

“Ivanova is one of the most compelling athletes in the world, but that doesn’t mean her life is easy.” She overcame a difficult childhood in Russia to become one of the world’s top track and field athletes, but Ivanova also battles mental health issues. Her story provides

For much of the world, the year 2022 was a tough one. GDP growth rates were dismal, and many people lost their jobs. However, in Africa, things were looking up. For the first time ever, investors poured $6.5 billion into the region’s startups – an indication of just how fertile ground Africa is for startups. This success can be partially attributed to new regulations that are being put in place to support entrepreneurship, as well as initiatives by governments and businesses to create a more inclusive environment for entrepreneurs.

Investors interviewed for this piece cited a number of reasons for the outsized optimism surrounding the blockchain sector in 2021. chief among these was the belief that, despite numerous regulatory and technological roadblocks, blockchain technology could still fuel significant transformation across numerous industries.

Another convincing factor fuelling optimism within the blockchain community was a sharp increase in venture capital investment into the space during late 2020 and early 2021. Combined with growing awareness from major corporations about the potential benefits of applying this technology, this trend seemed to suggest that 2019 would be seen as merely one step in a long process

  • Kola Aina, general partner, Ventures Platform
  • Zachariah George, managing partner, Launch Africa Ventures
  • Olumide Soyombo, co-founder, Voltron Capital
  • Stephen Deng, co-founder and managing partner, DFS Lab
  • Karima El Hakim, country director, Plug and Play Egypt
  • Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, founding partner, Future Africa
  • Maya Horgan Famodu, founder and partner, Ingressive Capital
  • Kyane Kassiri, partner, RaliCap

Dear Sophie: Will published articles boost my odds of getting an O-1A or H-1B visa?

lone figure at entrance to maze hedge that has an American flag at the center

Images are funny. We often think of them as static and boring representations of reality, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Images can be used to create countless scenarios and characters,

Dear Sophie,

You are an amazing person and I admire the way that you work hard and always

If you are looking to immigrate to the United States as an entrepreneur or startup founder, articles in publications about those types of ventures can be a big advantage. Articles can show that your company is well-known and that you are leaders in your field, helping you stand out from other applicants. You also want to make sure that your resume highlights all of the accomplishments of your business and how it has contributed to innovation and growth.

Tier-1 publications are generally considered to be the most reliable sources of information. They are typically published in English and often have wider kanban distribution than other publications.

Other publications may also provide valuable information, but should not be considered tier-1 sources. They may not be published in English and may have fewer readers or followers.

The persistence of the Turkish people has made them one of the most tenacious populations in the world. Turks have a strong sense of community and

Pitch Deck Teardown: Spinach.io’s $6M seed deck

Today, spinach is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. Spinach is a nutrient rich food that can provide many health benefits. It is high in vitamins A and C, as well as folate, potassium and

Organizing face-to-face meetings during the pandemic was impractical for many teams due to curfew regulations and the limitation of available time. As a result, engineers relied on online tools to coordinate their efforts. These tools allowed teams to share updates and screenshots asynchronously, preserving their anonymity if necessary. Moreover, by communicating through an online forum, engineers were able to work together even when they couldn’t meet in person.

With Spinach.io’s remote-access meeting service, team members can easily attend meetings from anywhere in the world. This integration with project management tools like Jira and Slack makes it easy for team members to keep track of the progress of their projects, and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

The engineers at Matan Talmi’s startup have solved a specific use case for Scrum-based development teams. By using a platform like Packt’s agile book club, the engineering team can stay up to date on agile development best practices without having to constantly attend live training sessions.

Innovation is key at Spinach.io, and they put a heavy emphasis on it in their pitch deck. They list several innovative ideas that the company has implemented, like automated advertisement fulfillment and dynamic pricing for products based on demand. Their goal is to make shopping easier for consumers, and they’re off to a good start with this funding round

  • Cover slide
  • Team slide
  • Problem slide
  • Mission slide
  • Product slide
  • Traction slide
  • Customers slide
  • Investors slide
  • 18-month plan slide
  • Thank-you slide

Think about your business model as part of a VC pitch

Image of tiles indicating parts of a business model on a dark blue background.

People who live in colder climates often have to bundle up to stay warm. This involves wearing clothes that cover as much of the body as possible and giving the legs a little room to move. One way people in colder climates keep their limbs warm is by wrapping them with what’s called a kapok blanket.

If you’re interested in gaining an investor’s attention when creating a business plan, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals. Starting with an MBA may not be necessary for crafting a credible plan, but it will give your idea more credence if you can convincingly articulate how your business will benefit consumers and shareholders alike.

A plan slide for a pitch deck should focus on five key aspects: 1. Why you are the best candidate for this job? 2. What makes your company different from others? 3. What are your specific skills and strengths? 4. Detailed overview of what you will be doing during this project (timeline, objectives, progress reports)? 5. How can potential investors get a

  • Cost of goods sold
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Lifetime value
  • R&D cost
  • Pricing model

Investors want to know how your startup is going to make them money. By breaking down your numbers and presenting them in an interesting way, you can show investors that your startup has a very good chance of making money in the future.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

Articles: 874

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