Easier Content Creation: Snapchat Launches Sounds Feature

Adding licensed song clips, TV and movie excerpts, and your own original audio to your Snaps and Stories can help create a more engaging experience for users. This feature is likely to increase popularity of Snapchat among fans of these genres of content, who may not want to spend hours writing long Stories themselves.

The Sounds feature allows users to find related sounds to compliment a Lens. This new feature is rolling out globally on iOS and Android and is designed to help users create more interesting photos or videos.

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Kaeleigh is a recent high school graduate who currently resides in Florida. K

Snapchat is continuing to roll out new features that make it easier for users to create content. This latest addition is a feature that lets users create montage videos that are automatically in rhythm to the beat of audio tracks from the Sounds library. This is great for creating videos that are fun and engaging, and will be especially useful for creating music video style content.

With its new feature, Snapchat is making it easier for users to discover and share music they love. This enables artists to reach a valuable and engaged audience, while also leading fans to listen to the full song on streaming services. This innovative feature is sure to please music lovers everywhere!

Since Sounds launched in 2020, Snapchat videos created with music from the app have had a significant impact on the social media platform. In just over two years, Sounds has contributed to over 2.7 billion video views and 183 billion Total impressions. The wide variety of options available for music in Sounds makes it an attractive choice for users who want to add some extra pizzazz to their content.

Snapchat is on the rise, and its recent announcement that it has grown to over 750 million monthly active users proves just that. The company boasts a pipeline vision of reaching 1 billion people by the next few years, and with such a large user base comprising primarily of young people, its success is sure to continue.

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Zara Khan

Zara Khan is a seasoned investigative journalist with a focus on social justice issues. She has won numerous awards for her groundbreaking reporting and has a reputation for fearlessly exposing wrongdoing.

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