Sophie, Prepare for Last-Minute H1B, O1A & EB1A Success!

If you want to work in the technology industry, it’s important to be well-versed in computer science and programming. However, what if you don’t have any experience? There are plenty of ways to learn these skills online or in a class setting, and many technology companies also offer internships. If you’re not sure where to start, ask your recruiter or human resources department for tips.

As Silicon Valley immigration attorney, Sophie Alcorn understands the importance of engaging in open and honest conversation with her clients. With that in mind, she’s excited to answer your questions about career growth opportunities in the technology industry. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. First and foremost, start by looking for opportunities where you have an existing skill set or specialty that can be leveraged into a new role in tech. For instance, if you have experience as a web developer, you may find yourself a valuable asset within teams focused on developing software applications or websites. Alternatively, if you are skilled in business analysis or data science, there are likely positions available within tech companies where those skills can be put to use. No matter what area of expertise you possess, working on projects within your area of expertise can help build skills that will be highly valued by hiring managers within the tech industry.

2. Take advantage of online resources and job search platforms like LinkedIn (which is free to join) and Glassdoor (where workers can review their experiences at various businesses). Utilizing these resources will give you access

Dear Sophie,

As a TechGround+ member, I receive weekly “Dear Sophie” columns that offer interesting insights into the latest technology news. Recently, I read an article about how augmented reality is changing the way we consume entertainment. AR has the potential to completely change the way we experience entertainment and even work. I can’t wait to see what new applications and innovations come out of this growing industry!

Dear Sophie, I hope you’re doing well! I was thinking about you a lot lately. It’s

In the 2017 H-1B lottery, only 85,000 employment visas will be available. This is down from 95,000 in 2016 and 105,000 in 2015. With so many large companies having laid off employees this year there could potentially be a shortage of workers registered for the lottery.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced on Friday that they will be open to adding additional candidates to the presidential debates before the August 26th deadline. The DNC justification for this decision centers around their belief that more debate exposure is necessary in order to ensure a robust and substantive discourse between the candidates. In addition, any new candid

If you’re looking to be entrepreneurially healthy and stay on top of your game, then you need to find ways to keep your fast-

Dear Fast-paced,

Thank you for your letter. I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for this position.

The H-1B visa program is one of the most popular immigration programs in the United States. Each year, approximately 700,000 workers from overseas are granted temporary work visas to participate in specialized occupations in the United States. The annual H-1B lottery allows companies to select workers from a pool of applicants who have met certain qualifications. Registration for this year’s lottery opens on October 1st and will continue until December 15th.

If your company is considering including candidates who are not U.S. citizens, you should be aware that this process can take significantly longer than simply submitting the standard written nomination form. In order to include last-minute registrations in your nomination, your company will need to follow USCIS’s step-by-step instructions closely.

A composite image of immigration law attorney Sophie Alcorn in front of a background with a TechCrunch logo.

Many people don’t consider the potential dangers of fireworks because they think that they’re harmless. However, fireworks can actually be dangerous if used incorrectly. They can set off small fires and cause injuries if someone is near them when they go off.

Employers who have employees in H-1B status should be mindful of the upcoming registration portal close on March 17th. The portal will allow employers to submit new H-1B registrations, but no new registrations can be submitted after this date. This means that employers should already have their registration materials ready and closed by Friday, March 10th in order to avoid any potential delays or confusion.

No one knows how many people will be registered for the H-1B visa lottery this year, as layoffs in the tech industry have left many people seeking jobs. However, hundreds of thousands of F-1 university graduates work on regular OPT and STEM OPT every year with the hope that their employers will sponsor them in the lottery. If you are looking to pursue a career in tech, or if you are currently working in tech and are considering applying for an H-1B visa, it is important to research all of your options before submitting an application. Make sure to speak with an immigration lawyer who can help you determine whether or not your employer is qualified to sponsor you for the H-1B visa lottery.

Overall, the trend seems to suggest that employers are still looking for alternatives to American workers and will continue submitting H-1B applications in bulk. While some concerns have been raised about the high number of H-1B applicants and their effect on wages, it is unclear what, if anything, can be done to curb this trend.

The lottery has 85,000 openings for new H-1Bs every year. Of the 20,000 H-1B visas that are reserved for individuals with advanced degrees from U.S. colleges and universities, only a subset of those visas are awarded annually. Therefore, the majority of positions open to foreign workers in the H-1B visa program are open to employees without a college degree or an advanced degree from a U.S. institution.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

Articles: 867

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