Relativitys 2nd Launch Attempt of Terran 1: Can They Make it This Time?

Based on the company’s previous launch attempts and successful first mission, expectations are high for their second attempt which is scheduled to take place later this week. The majority-3D printed rocket, Terran 1, is set to make history by becoming the worlds first ever to be sent into space using 3D printing technology.

Many people consider SpaceX’s failed launch of the Falcon 1 in 2006 to be the company’s entrepreneur-in-residence and founder, Elon Musk’s first mistake. Because no company has ever made it to orbit on the first try, a scrub was not entirely a surprise – though many would argue that failure is always an important learning experience. With over 170 launches under its belt including 12 major satellites and five successful Dragon missions to bring cargo back to Earth for NASA, SpaceX seems poised for further success.

Despite the potentially hazardous wind conditions at the launch pad, Relativity secured its spacecraft for launch. The company claims that it was monitoring wind conditions at the launch site through constant communication with mission control, but propellant loading on the rocket is already well underway. With only a window of 1-4 PM EST today to make it to space, spectators and Relativity followers alike eagerly await updates on the successful launch.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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