Take a Nap: TikToks New Sleep Reminders Help You Catch Those Zzzs!

TikTok users often find themselves losing many hours on the platform, especially at night. To address these worries, the company has begun testing sleep reminders with select users worldwide. The feature enables people to set up alerts for bedtime and mute notifications for seven hours of restful sleep. TechGround confirmed this news on Friday.

Watchful.ai screenshots reveal a new “sleep reminder” option under TikTok’s “screen time” settings. Once a sleep time is selected, the app will remind users to close it and mute push notifications for seven hours afterwards in order to promote better rest.

TikTok sleep reminders

Image Credits: By Watchful.ai

A TikTok spokesperson said the app is always innovating new ways to support users’ well-being, such as its digital well-being features like screen-time management tools (launched in Feb 2020) and other usage control options.

Last June, TikTok launched an in-app tool to help users control their time spent on the app. It suggests regular breaks of either 10, 20 or 30 minutes (or a custom time), and has restricted nighttime notifications for teen accounts: 13-15 year olds don’t receive push notifications after 9pm, while 16-17 year olds have them disabled from 10pm.

TikTok’s advanced recommendation technology keeps users engaged and distracted, making it the subject of many psychological studies. To help users better manage their usage, they are testing additional tools – like sleep reminders – though there is no word yet on when or if these will be rolled out widely.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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