Dont Miss the Exciting Startup Pitches at TechCrunch Lives Virtual Boston Event!

The three startups pitched their innovative products at TechGround Live’s special event in Boston. Their products were well-received by the audience and earned them a spot in the pitch-off. The winners of the pitch-off will receive an investment from TechGround and a chance to showcase their company to a wider audience.

I’m excited to watch the eclipse live with my friends! We’ll be able to see it in all its glory as it sweeps across the sky. It’s going to be a pretty amazing experience and I can’t wait to see

Boston has long been known as a center for innovation and entrepreneurship, which is reflected in the city’s thriving startup community. As security startups increasingly face threats from cyber-attacks, building a company in Boston is a good strategy for protecting your business. The city has a robust community of security experts who can provide valuable advice and support, and there are plenty of resources available to help startups grow their businesses.

Attendances are growing at the free event, and I hope you can attend too. Register today so that you don’t miss out!


Penny Finance

Crissi Cole is on a mission to close the wealth gap. She founded Penny Finance, a tech-forward financial mentor for women, in order to help them achieve financial independence.Cole believes that empowering women with access to Capital and education will enable them to create positive change in their communities. Through her work, she wants to create a more equitable world where everyone has an opportunity to achieve their goals.

Piction Health

Susan Conover is known for her work in developing a healthcare technology intended to help patients and physicians address challenging skin diseases. Her company, Co-founder & CEOPiction Health, has developed a system that uses AI to predict which drugs will be most effective against certain skin conditions. This information can then be used by doctors to prescribe the best course of treatment for their patients.


Alison Cove was started by Alison Cove, a woman passionate about environmentalism and sustainable living. Apex Co-Op, her local grocery store, agreed to become the company’s first distribution partner and provide reusable organic cups for delivery to consumers. With the help of backers on Kickstarter and the support of co-op members, Alison Cove was founded in October 2015 with the goal of reducing waste and encouraging a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

Articles: 867

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