Why TikToks Teenage Filter is Making us Come Face-to-Face With Our Mortality

Since the app TikTok is mainly used for sharing funny videos and pictures with friends, it may come as a surprise to some that people are getting emotional over an AR filter that makes you look like a teenager. The filter juxtaposes one beside the other, showing you as you are, and then a version of you that has perfectly smooth skin and a strange youthful innocence. Many users post photos of themselves with or without the filter to show how much it changes their appearance. Some say they feel more confident and others simply find it amusing.

Some people are excited to see the filter, while others feel that it is excessively intrusive. Some believe that it will make their lives easier, while others argue that it is simply a form of surveillance. Regardless of one’s opinion, the fact remains that the filter

Dealing with the aftermath of abuse can be incredibly difficult, but for some it inspires them to become the best versions of themselves. One user, who had not seen their younger self in a very long time, cried when they saw their older self through the TikTok filter. This gave them the opportunity to reflect on how much they had grown since leaving an abusive living situation.

There are mixed reactions to seeing a younger version of oneself on TikTok. Some find it fascinating, while others find it cringe-worthy. There are also jokes made about how being a teenager doesn’t mean you have perfect skin – it likely means you’re dealing with acne struggles!

It can be tough to take a step back and objectively assess our appearance in comparison to how we looked when we were younger. Rather than seeing flaws in who we are now, this filter often drives us to focus on how different we look from who we used to be. Despite the平均模糊外界能力minor differences, it feels like an incredibly daunting task to accept that maybe, just maybe, life has finally caught up with us.

A lot of Gen Xer’s are nostalgically reflecting on the good old days, when they were carefree and seemed to have perfect lives. They watch these happy little babies and can’t help but feel burdened by their own regrets for not living life more fully when they were younger. The song “The Freshmen” by The Verve Pipe perfectly captures the emotional tribulations that often come with revisiting those memories. It’s a song about making wrong choices in the past, regretting them, and wishing you could go back to a time before all of that happened. It’s poignant listening for this generation as it struggles to find its place in the world.

Though these TikToks are sentimental, they also serve as a reminder that technology can help us look back on our lives and see how we might have looked different if a certain filter or app had been around when we were younger. Not everyone is thrilled about the idea of being able to see themselves in this way, but it’s still entertaining to take a look at how our appearance has changed over the years.

Despite the current popularity of AI avatars, these filters have gradually died down in recent months. This may be due to the general trend of users preferring more realistic avatars, or because the novelty has worn off. These filters are still used from time-to-time, but they usually only last for a short while before we get bored again.

Some AR filters are more prone to going viral, though, as there’s a smaller barrier to entry — you don’t have to download a new app. In some cases, users have worried about what happens to the photos they upload into these apps. However, with the right precautions in place (such as not sharing your personal information), these filters can be fun and entertaining tools for creativeERS.

TikTok states that it is not collecting or storing our biometric data when we use its AR filters, but some users may still be concerned about their security. While TikTok does not appear to be using our facial features as part of the AR experience, there is no way to guarantee that the app is not tracking other personal information about us.

As you idly scroll through TikTok, just remember: one day we’re all going to die. Whether you’re a long time user of the app or someone who’s just getting started, take some time to appreciate life while you can. There’s nothing more beautiful and fleeting than time itself!

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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